Saturday 29 February 2020

School gala

On the 29th of February 2020 BOIC has started a gala day, it was a school day for the students of BOIC and a free day for parents, locals and other people who came to the gala.

There were lost of people, food, activities, games, and competition, I've joined the blogging competition along with Darrius, Kingi and Jerome I hope one of us wins so we can find out what the mystery prize is.

Te pona


  1. Great blog post guys about a pioneering activity at a's it going? Is it busy? How do you win the prize? Thank you for sharing your learning on a Saturday. Keep up the great work!

  2. Te Pona I hope you win too. A mystery prize! a trip to Hawaii ? If I was in the competition I would hop the prize was some food because I am hungry right now. I enjoyed reading the post and the picture of everyone was cool.

  3. Do you think we should have another gala day next year? If so what else could we do to make it more entertaining for you as a student?
